3rd Conference – online

The conference took place as an online event on the 30th of September 2020.

To access the presentations just click on the title of the presentation you want to view.
The Virtual Study tour at the end is a Google Drive video. If you have blocked cockies it might not be possible to view it.

Click here to take part of the conference summary.


30 September 2020
10:00-10:10 Connecting to the conference
10:10-10:15 Welcome and practical details
Angela Clinkscales, University of Rostock
10:15-10:30 Introduction to the COASTAL Biogas project
Anne Warnig, FNR, project coordinator
10:30-10:45 Experiences from Solrød/development at RUC
Tyge Kjaer, RUC
10:45-11:00 The COASTAL Biogas Information kit
Angela Clinkscales, University of Rostock
11:00-11:15 BREAK
11:15-11:30 Greater BIO – focus seaweed
Sonia Denkiewicz, Skåne Energy Agency
11:30-11:45 The CONTRA project
Jana Wölfel, University of Rostock
11:45-12:00 Biogas sector developments and perspectives in Lithuania
Kęstutis Navickas, Vytautas Magnus University
12:00-13:00 LUNCH
13:00-13:15 EBA’s strategy and policy work to value socio-economic benefits
Susanna Pflüger, European Biogas Association
13:15-13:30 Combining multiple societal benefits in the  LiveLagoons project
Artūras Razinkovas-Baziukas, Marine Research Institute, Klaipèda University
13:30-13:45 Socioeconomic factors related to the Baltic Blue Growth project
Zaiga Ozolina, Kurzeme planning region
13:45-14:00 BREAK
14:00-14:45 Panel debate
Susanna Pflüger, European Biogas Association
Artūras Razinkovas-Baziukas, Klaipèda University
Jana Woelfel, University of Rostock
Zaiga Ozolina, Kurzeme planning region
Neringa Municipality and a virtual study tour
14:45-15:00 Introduction to Neringa and the Curonian lagoon
Vilma Kavaliova
, Neringa Municipality
15:00-15:15 Virtual study tour – AlgaeService for LIFE
Loreta Drazdienė, JSC Baltic Environment
Judita Koreiviene, the Nature Research Centre